Improve your customer experience
Smart QR menus and systems for hotels and restaurants.
Take advantage of your information
Whatsapp, email, Opera, SAP, the multitude of systems complicate your operation! Unify, simplify and take advantage of your information with Sabio Host
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We work when you work
Support and changes the same day EVERY day.

Will you make a special Christmas menu?
Did the rain force to change the schedules?
Is a special menu required for a group?

Your day to day is very dynamic and we are there when you need it. We make changes and adjustments in minutes, every day of the year including Sundays, holidays, etc.

Multi languages

Not all your staff know English!!! Sabio Host allows you to have your menus in multiple languages ​​and also shows them automatically in the language that your client uses on their phone.

Designed for mobile

iPhone, Samsung, Motorola, Xiaomi, Huawei, etc., there are all kinds of cell phone brands and models, but none are comparable in size to a printed menu. Leave behind the impractical PDF designed for the printed menu which is not designed to be seen on a small screen.

Give your customers a practical and readable menu: large letters, full lines, collapsible sections, fast loading, photos. All this with automatic adjustment to the screen of each cell phone.

Searches and filters

Your new staff doesn't know the menu!

Add a mini-Google to your menu. Our menus include search engines and filters so that even the most picky customer can quickly find what they can eat.

Allergies, tastes and preferences of guests

Whether due to dietary preference, health, faith or allergies, more and more people avoid some foods. For example, in the US, more than 60% of the population avoids at least one type of food.

Our system allows not only your customers to search for what they want, but also for your staff to know their tastes and preferences to make suggestions and give them a familiar and personalized treatment.

Menu editing in a snap

In addition to having our support to generate new menus and special changes. The staff you authorize can easily edit menus from their computer or cell phone in moments. Price changes, temporarily hiding dishes and even a total redesign of the menu, everything is at your fingertips when you need it.

Printed version

Not everyone can or wants to use QR menus. Sabio Host allows you to print and/or generate updated PDFs with all the changes to your menus so that you can care for those customers who prefer the paper menu.

Customer reviews direct to manager

Customer feedback is invaluable for improvement, but rarely will your staff report a negative feedback to you about their performance. Don't be in the dark when you're not on the floor. Receive customer reviews directly to your email.

Links to TripAdvisor, Yelp and social networks

If you are giving an extraordinary service, let the world know it. More than 80% of travelers take into account the opinions of other travelers when planning their trips and more than 70% are willing to pay more for sites with better ratings and recommendations.

Our menus allow you to easily add links to TripAdvisor, Yelp and social networks to make it easy for your customers to promote you through these means.

Optimize waiting times

One of the biggest causes of complaints in restaurants is waiting times. Avoid these problems with Sabio Host's timeout monitor. Thanks to this, customers will be able to call the waiter from the menu and the waiters will know how long they have been looking at the menu at each table as well as at which table they request their presence.

Information and Chat with all hotel services

With Sabio Host your QR will have much more than menus, directories, maps, service hours and activities. Your guests will be able to consult this information and also chat with those in charge of each service as well as reception and concierge. They will be able to make reservations and orders from any point without having to go back to their room to dial an extension, increasing their consumption and satisfaction.

Meet the “The impact of smartphones in hospitality” article in which we condense more than two years of development and learning, which led us to specialize in the hospitality sector.